First Lady Fazna Ahmed Calls for Role Models in Nutrition Promotion

In a recent public address, First Lady Fazna Ahmed underscored the importance of having role models in the field of nutrition to inspire a healthier generation in the Maldives. Her call to action comes at a critical time when the nation is grappling with the dual burden of malnutrition and rising rates of non-communicable diseases. The First Lady’s advocacy for improved nutrition is a beacon of hope for a country on the cusp of a public health revolution.

The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority’s Revenue Recovery Success

The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has reported a significant recovery of state-owned revenue in the third quarter of the year, amounting to over USD 15 million. This recovery is a testament to the robustness and efficiency of MIRA’s fiscal policies and its commitment to enhancing the nation’s revenue system.

MIRA’s Strategic Recovery Methods

MIRA’s strategic approach to recovering outstanding revenues has been multifaceted. The authority has successfully reclaimed USD 8 million through dunning—a process that involves the persistent demand for payment. An additional USD 4 million was collected through the clearance of dues, which includes settling accounts that have been in arrears.

Furthermore, MIRA’s proactive communication strategy, which includes reminder calls and emails, has yielded USD 2 million in recovered funds. This approach reflects the authority’s dedication to maintaining a dialogue with taxpayers and facilitating a culture of timely tax payment.

The use of an account freezing policy has also proven effective, with MIRA securing USD 240,000 by restricting access to the accounts of defaulters until their debts are settled. This measure underscores the serious repercussions of tax evasion and serves as a deterrent to potential defaulters.

Tax Compliance and Enforcement

The third quarter also saw MIRA taking a firm stance on tax compliance. A total of 266 individuals were issued final notices for failing to file tax returns, reflecting the authority’s stringent enforcement policies. In addition, 322 individuals were recorded as having not paid their taxes, indicating a need for continued efforts in promoting tax education and compliance.

In a compassionate move, MIRA has offered a lifeline to those struggling to pay their taxes. By granting installment plans to 46 taxpayers, the authority has allocated up to USD 13 million in an effort to ease the financial burden on individuals and businesses, thereby preventing the accrual of further penalties and interest.

The Economic Implications of MIRA’s Efforts

The economic implications of MIRA’s revenue recovery efforts are far-reaching. By reclaiming owed funds, the authority is not only bolstering the state’s fiscal health but also ensuring that public services and infrastructure projects are adequately funded. This financial recuperation is crucial for the Maldives as it navigates the post-pandemic economic landscape and seeks to invest in sustainable development.

The Role of Taxation in National Development

Taxation plays a pivotal role in the development of any nation. It is the cornerstone of government funding and is essential for maintaining public services, from healthcare to education. MIRA’s success in improving tax collection processes and compliance rates is a positive indicator of the Maldives’ progress toward economic stability and growth.


The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority’s report on revenue recovery is a shining example of effective government action in the face of fiscal challenges. The combination of dunning, dues clearance, reminder communications, and account freezing has proven to be an effective strategy for enhancing tax compliance and recovering significant amounts of state revenue. First Lady Fazna Ahmed’s advocacy for nutrition promotion complements these efforts by addressing the long-term health and well-being of the nation’s citizens, which is intrinsically linked to economic prosperity.

As MIRA continues to refine its processes and enforce tax laws, it is imperative for the public to recognize the role of taxation in national development. The authority’s willingness to provide installment plans demonstrates a balance between enforcement and empathy, ensuring that the tax system is fair and considerate of individual circumstances.

The Maldives’ journey towards fiscal resilience and health-centric policies is on a promising path, with the government and public figures like First Lady Fazna Ahmed leading by example. It is through such concerted efforts that the nation can hope to achieve a sustainable and prosperous future for all its residents.

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