The E5T Foundation: Pioneering Ecological Transition in France

The E5T Foundation, established by Myriam Maestroni, has emerged as a leading think tank in France, dedicated to addressing the pressing challenges of climate change and ecological transition. Its name, E5T, stands for “Energy, Efficiency, Economy, Environment, and Territory” (Énergie, Efficacité, Économie, Environnement, Territoire in French), encapsulating the foundation’s comprehensive approach to sustainability.



Vision and Mission

The foundation’s mission is to foster discussions, research, and initiatives that promote a transition towards a sustainable and energy-efficient economy. By bringing together stakeholders from various sectors, including business, academia, government, and civil society, E5T aims to facilitate a collaborative approach to ecological challenges.

Key Activities and Events

One of the hallmark events organized by the E5T Foundation is the annual Summer University, held in La Rochelle. This event gathers experts, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and researchers to share insights, innovations, and best practices in energy transition and ecological sustainability. Themes discussed include advancements in digitalization, robotics, biotechnologies, green finance, and strategies for achieving a carbon-free economy.

For example, the 8th edition of the E5T Foundation Summer University highlighted the role of digital technologies and biotechnologies in agriculture, discussing how these innovations can contribute to a sustainable agricultural sector. Moreover, a round table on green finance explored the financial industry’s role in supporting ecological initiatives and the broader economic recovery.

In another edition, speakers including former ministers of ecology and environment emphasized the positive impact of grassroots initiatives across France, despite political uncertainties. This event underscored the foundation’s role in galvanizing support for environmental and ecological progress at a national level.

Upcoming Global Events

The E5T Foundation is expanding its reach with two significant upcoming events. On May 4th, in Tunis, in partnership with Université Paris-Dauphine Tunis, the foundation will focus on “Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa,” addressing the continent’s unique challenges and opportunities in ecological transition.

Following this, on June 27th in the Parliament of Rome, in collaboration with Luiss University, the E5T Foundation will hold a conference on global ecological transition strategies, emphasizing the importance of policy and education in fostering environmental sustainability.

Impact and Reach

With nearly 2,000 participants at some of its events, the E5T Foundation has proven its ability to mobilize a wide audience around the cause of ecological transition. The presence of high-profile individuals, including former ministers and leading experts, at its events, reflects the foundation’s significance in the French environmental landscape.

The foundation’s emphasis on private equity and finance in ecological transition also highlights its understanding of the multifaceted nature of environmental challenges. By addressing the financial mechanisms that can support sustainability, E5T contributes to a more comprehensive approach to ecological transition.

The E5T Foundation stands out as a beacon of hope and action in the fight against climate change in France. Through its collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, E5T is paving the way for innovative solutions and sustainable practices. As the world grapples with environmental challenges, the work of the E5T Foundation offers valuable lessons and inspiration for global efforts towards ecological sustainability.

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